
GLOBUS is a research project that critically examines the European Union’s contribution to global justice.

Challenges to global justice are multifaceted and what is just is contested. Combining normative and empirical research GLOBUS explores underlying political and structural obstacles to justice. Analyses of the EU’s positions and policies are combined with in-depth studies of non-European perspectives on the practices of the EU. Particular attention is paid to the fields of migration, trade and development, cooperation and conflict, as well as climate change.

Partner name:


Conceptualising global justice

In February, GLOBUS researchers gathered in Oslo to discuss how to make sense of the EU’s contribution – if any – to a rightful world order.

GLOBUS partners

GLOBUS has eight partner universities in Brazil, China, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Norway, and South Africa.

Policy dialogue

GLOBUS yields knowledge of direct relevance to a wide range of policy stakeholders working on themes related to global justice and the EU's role in the world.

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